Welcome to DailyHomeSafety, your one-stop destination for all things related to home improvement, home security, DIY stuff, and pest control.
DailyHomeSafety was founded in 2019 by two brothers, Blaise and James Mora, who are both passionate homeowners. They wanted to share their knowledge and experience with other like-minded people and show that home improvement projects can be fun and rewarding if done right.
We strongly believe that our home is not just a building. It’s a place where we can feel free, be ourselves, and spend quality time with our loved ones. Also, it’s a shelter where we can hide from the noisy world.
We all have so many memories tied to our homes (hopefully more good than bad) and everyone deserves to live in a home that reflects their personality and lifestyle.
Our Mission
At DailyHomeSafety.com we are constantly learning, trying new things, and mastering our skills to provide you with valuable and helpful content.
Our mission is to help you improve your home and make it a safer and better place. While it’s true that sometimes you need a professional, we think there are plenty of things you can do for your home yourself.
On this site, we share our experiences and give you actionable tips on how to do DIY projects the right way. We also create helpful and comprehensive guides and tutorials that will help you upgrade your home and take security and safety to the next level.
We are committed to providing our readers with helpful answers to interesting and unique questions. Having a small but meaningful impact on so many people’s lives is a very satisfactory feeling, to be honest. We love working on DailyHomeSafety and creating helpful content that makes your life a little bit easier, and safer, of course.
At DailyHomeSafety, we value your feedback and suggestions. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at info@dailyhomesafety.com or on this page. We would love to hear from you!
About James Mora

Contact James:
A warm welcome to DailyHomeSafety! My name is James Mora and I’m the founder of DailyHomeSafety. To briefly describe myself, I’m a home improvement expert, an enthusiastic DIYer, a contractor, and a security manager with several years of experience. I’m passionate about home improvement and safety and I’m constantly experimenting and searching for the best information available (to be honest, I tend to be a perfectionist which sometimes makes my life pretty difficult).
In my early childhood, I spent a lot of time with my grandfather who lived in the country and was a true polymath in my eyes. He taught me a lot about gardening and working around the house and he was the one who showed me the importance of the concept of “safety first”.
We worked a lot together. He explained and showed me how the plumbing and HVAC system worked in detail, including the different pipe types, the heat exchanger, and the vent and duct system as far as I can recall. He knew some pretty awesome tricks and had a ton of experience in house maintenance.
An old photo of Grandpa and me renovating a room:

We did all kinds of stuff together. One summer we renovated an entire house. It was a very old building, so there was a lot to improve and rebuild. We had to repair the roof and do some masonry work as well (my grandfather was a certified mason and had many other professions too). I still perfectly remember how I enjoyed those days.
Long story short, during that period I really fell in love with working around the house.
Back in 2019 my brother, Blaise, and I decided to launch DailyHomeSafety.com, a site where we could share cutting-edge content, especially for those who needed precise information on safety, home improvement, or senior-well being. As time went on, we got a lot of positive feedback which reassured us that we were on the right path.
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