Black Mold 101: Everything You Need to Know
Imagine waking up with a persistent cough, constant fatigue, and unexplained headaches. You might brush it off as a cold or stress, but what if the culprit is lurking silently within your home? Meet black mold, a common household menace that affects millions of homes each year and can wreak havoc on your health and ...

Is Locking the Fridge Illegal? Is It the Best Solution?
There could be many reasons you want to put a lock on your refrigerator. Whether you have kids or live with your parents who suffer from cognitive impairment, locking the fridge may seem a reasonable idea. However, locking the refrigerator is often not the best solution to resolve the problem. In certain cases, there are ...

Best Safety Glasses For Dust In 2023
Safety glasses are continuously being improved by manufacturers, thus you’ll find newer and upgraded models on the market every year. However, not all safety glasses are created equal. In fact, only a fraction of them will really protect your eyes from dust. So you have to choose wisely. If you’re planning to do an activity ...

Can You Microwave Styrofoam? [Quick Answer + Useful Tips]
The use of styrofoam has become extremely widespread all over the world, therefore it’s almost impossible to avoid it completely. Styrofoam is pretty versatile and can be used for many different purposes. Most people know little about this material and when they get their food or beverage in a styrofoam container, many of them have ...

How to Use a Walker Safely in Every Situation [With Video]
There are many situations when you might need to use a walker either temporarily or permanently. When you have difficulty walking on your own, a reliable walking aid can really make a difference. Walking with a walker may seem simple at first glance, however, many questions arise when you start using one. Learning how to ...

Types of Fire Extinguishers: The Essential Guide
There are a bunch of things in every household that can easily catch fire if something goes wrong. Therefore, fire extinguishers are a must in every home no matter where you live (and they’re required by the law in many states): they can literally save your life in case of an emergency. However, if you ...

Carbon Monoxide Detector Placement: A Helpful Illustrated Guide
Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are essential safety devices that every home should have: they can potentially save lives in case of an emergency. Unfortunately, carbon monoxide detectors are often incorrectly installed. While it’s true that having a CO detector in any place is usually better than having none, proper placement is extremely important: you can’t ...

How Fast Can an Alligator Run on Land? (+Tips to Outrun It)
Alligators are one of the largest wild animals in the U.S. If you live in the southeastern part of the country, chances are great that you’ll cross an alligator’s path sooner or later. American alligators can grow up to 15 feet in length and 1,000 pounds in weight, so often they seem frightening at first ...

Does Your Dryer Really Kill Bacteria and Other Germs?
I have a tumble dryer in my bathroom and I use it quite often: it eliminates the need for hanging the clothes on the line, therefore it saves me some time. While it’s true that dryers usually consume more energy than washing machines, drying your clothes has many benefits. Clothes can indeed spread germs. I ...

Can You Microwave Cardboard? [Quick Answer + Useful Tips]
There are quite a few things you should never put in the microwave, such as styrofoam, water bottle, plastic bags, aluminum foil, or stainless steel. If you do so, three things can happen depending on the material of the object you put in your microwave: The object will be damaged. The content of the object ...