Home Security

Are Security Doors Really Worth It? Pros & Cons Explained

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A modern house with large glass surfaces and a yard

Did you know that there are over 1 million burglaries in the United States every year? As a homeowner, it’s natural to want to protect your family and your property from break-ins and other security risks.

One way to do that is by installing security doors. These are specially designed to resist forced entry and provide an additional layer of protection for your home.

But are security doors worth the investment? In brief, security doors are a smart investment as they provide an added layer of protection for your home or business against break-ins, and can also improve the energy efficiency and aesthetics of your property. Investing in a high-quality security door can also increase the value of your property.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of security doors, as well as the features they offer.

What You Need to Know About Security Doors

Security doors are specially designed doors that are created to resist forced entry and provide an additional layer of protection for homes.

They differ from standard doors in several ways, including:

  • Materials: Security doors are made with materials that are more durable and resistant to damage, such as steel, aluminum, or composite materials. These materials are harder to break through or damage, making them a stronger barrier against intruders.
  • Features: Security doors often come equipped with additional features that make them harder to breach. These features may include reinforced frames, multi-point locking systems, and high-security deadbolts.
  • Durability: Security doors are designed to withstand a significant amount of wear and tear, as well as exposure to the elements. This means that they can last for many years without needing to be replaced.

Benefits of Security Doors

Security doors are an excellent investment for homeowners who want to enhance the security of their property. Let’s dive into the various benefits of security doors and why they’re a smart choice for your home.

Enhanced Security

One of the most obvious benefits of security doors is the enhanced security they provide. These doors are designed to withstand forced entry attempts, making it much more challenging for intruders to break into your home.

Security doors are typically made of strong and durable materials such as steel, aluminum, or wrought iron. These materials are difficult to break or tamper with, providing an extra layer of security to your home. Steel security screen doors are even used to keep bears out of cabins. 

Deterrent to Intruders

The primary purpose of security doors is to deter burglars and intruders from attempting to break into your home. Security doors are made from strong materials and are designed to be difficult to break through. Burglars are quick to spot higher levels of security and often look for an easier target.

Improved Privacy

Security doors are designed to keep unwanted visitors out of your home, but they also provide improved privacy.

They often come with features like frosted glass or decorative screens. These features provide privacy while still allowing light to pass through. With a security screen door installed, you can leave your front door open to enjoy the fresh air and natural light while still maintaining your privacy.

Increased Home Value

Installing a security door can also increase the value of your home. Prospective buyers will appreciate the added security features, and it can help set your home apart from others in the market.

Moreover, security doors are often considered an upgrade and can increase the curb appeal of your home.

Energy Efficiency

Security doors can also improve the energy efficiency of your home. Many security doors come with weather stripping or insulation that helps to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

By reducing the amount of air that escapes from your home, you can save on energy bills and help the environment.

Pest Control

Security doors can also help with pest control. They can keep insects and other unwanted pests out of your home, ensuring that your living space remains comfortable and hygienic.

Improved Appearance

Security doors don’t have to be an eyesore. In fact, many security doors are designed to be both functional and visually appealing.

With a variety of styles, colors, and finishes to choose from, you can find a security door that complements the look and feel of your home. However, keep in mind that the options are more limited than for traditional doors.

Drawbacks of Security Doors

While security doors have numerous benefits, they also have some drawbacks that homeowners should be aware of before making a purchase decision.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the disadvantages of security doors.

High Initial Cost

Security doors are typically more expensive than traditional doors due to their added security features.

While they may be worth the investment in the long run, the initial cost can be a significant drawback for some homeowners.


Installing a security door requires more time and effort than installing a traditional door. This is because security doors are heavier and require specialized hardware to be properly installed.

If you’re not comfortable with DIY projects, you may need to hire a professional to install your security door, adding to the overall cost.


Security doors require regular maintenance to keep them in good working condition. 

This can include lubricating hinges, cleaning the door and its hardware, and checking the weatherstripping for wear and tear. Neglecting this maintenance can reduce the effectiveness of the security door over time.

Limited Accessibility

While security doors are excellent for keeping unwanted visitors out, they can also limit accessibility for those who are elderly or disabled. This is because security doors often have a threshold that can be difficult to navigate for those with mobility issues.

Design Limitations

While security doors can be visually appealing, they do have design limitations that can limit your options.

For example, some security doors are only available in a limited number of colors or finishes. This can make it challenging to find one that matches the aesthetic of your home.

Reduced Natural Light

Some security doors can reduce the amount of natural light that enters your home. This is because security doors often have smaller windows or decorative screens that can block light. This reduced natural light can make your home feel darker and less inviting.

Comparing Security Doors to Traditional Doors

Now let’s see those features that a security door usually has but an ordinary door doesn’t.

  • Stronger Materials: Security doors are made from much stronger materials than traditional doors, such as stainless steel or iron. This makes them much more durable and harder to break through. Additionally, they come with reinforced frames and hinges, making them even more secure.
  • Locking Mechanisms: Security doors come with advanced locking mechanisms that make them much harder to bypass than traditional locks. These locks often have multiple points of locking, making them much more secure.
  • Impact-Resistant Glass: Some security doors come with impact-resistant glass, which is much harder to break than traditional glass. This makes it much more difficult for intruders to enter your property.
  • Energy Efficiency: Many security doors are designed with insulation in mind, which means they can help keep your property warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. This can lead to a reduction in your energy bills, making them a cost-effective option.
  • Fire Resistance: Some security doors are designed to be fire-resistant, which means they can help contain fires and prevent them from spreading throughout your property. This can be a lifesaving feature in the event of a fire.
  • Soundproofing: Security doors can also provide soundproofing, which is beneficial for properties located in noisy areas. This feature can help create a more peaceful and relaxing environment inside your property.

Return On Investment for Security Doors

Investing in security doors is not just about increasing the safety and security of your property but can also provide a good return on investment.

Although security doors may come with a higher upfront cost compared to traditional doors, the benefits they provide make them worth considering as a long-term investment.

Let’s see what you need to consider:

  1. Increased Property Value: Security doors are a valuable investment that can increase the value of your property. A property with advanced security measures is more attractive to potential buyers, which means you can sell your property for a higher price if you decide to sell it in the future.
  2. Reduced Insurance Premiums: Installing security doors can help reduce your insurance premiums, as it demonstrates that you are taking steps to protect your property from theft and burglary.
  3. Reduced Risk of Break-Ins: Security doors can help deter burglars, reducing the likelihood of break-ins and theft. This can potentially save you money on repairs and replacements that would be necessary if a break-in occurred.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your property is secure and protected can provide peace of mind, which is priceless. The feeling of safety and security that comes with installing security doors can lead to a better quality of life.
  5. Cost Savings: Security doors are designed to last for a long time, which means that you won’t need to replace them frequently. This can lead to significant cost savings over the years, making them a cost-effective investment.

Alternatives to Security Doors

If security doors are not the right fit for your home, there are several alternative measures that you can consider to increase home security.

You can reinforce the hinges and your door strike plate. You can also invest in a high-quality ANSI Grade I deadbolt. Another option is to install an alarm system that can be monitored remotely and can alert you and the authorities if someone tries to break in.

If you’re looking for a more traditional alternative to security doors, solid-core doors can provide an extra layer of security. These doors are made from a solid core of wood or composite material and are more difficult to break down than hollow-core doors.

Make sure you also check out this comprehensive guide on front door security in which I share my best tips.

If you want to prevent kick-ins, you’ll find some useful information in this article on how to secure a door from being kicked in.

So Are Security Doors Worth the Investment? Putting It All Together

All in all, security doors are worth the investment in many cases. They offer multiple benefits, including enhanced protection against break-ins, vandalism, and extreme weather conditions, as well as improved energy efficiency and customizable designs. While they may require a higher upfront cost than traditional doors, the peace of mind and increased property value they provide make them a valuable investment in the long run. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main types of security doors?

There are several types of security doors available on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits. Some of the most common types of security doors include
single security doors, double security doors, security screen doors (stainless steel mesh doors), steel security doors, and composite security doors.

What is the cost of security doors?

The cost of security doors can vary widely depending on the type of door, the level of security you need, and other factors such as the size and design of the door. On average, a basic security door can cost between $600 and $1,400 (source). However, if you want a high-end security door with advanced features such as electronic locks or biometric scanners, the cost can exceed $5,000 or more.

How long do security doors last?

The lifespan of security doors can vary depending on several factors such as the quality of the door, the frequency of use, and the level of maintenance. However, on average, a high-quality security door can last for 20-30 years or more with proper maintenance and care.

Can security doors be customized?

Yes, security doors can be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of property owners. Customization allows property owners to choose the size, design, material, and features that best fit their needs and style.

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About the Author

James Mora is the founder of DailyHomeSafety. He is a home improvement expert, contractor, avid DIYer, and security manager. He is passionate about home repairs, remodeling, and teaching. Read More