50 Essential Safety Tips for Seniors
As we age, our needs and challenges change. Staying safe becomes a top priority. Here’s a helpful guide packed with safety tips for seniors to keep you or your loved ones safe, healthy, and happy. Home Safety Fall Prevention Click here to learn 14 simple and effective fall prevention tips. Fire Safety Related: 14 Potentially ...

Do I Need a Walker or Rollator? Walker vs Rollator: A Helpful Guide
Choosing the right mobility aid is an essential step to improving the quality of life. There are several different models available on the market, and picking the one that best suits your or your loved one’s needs can be challenging. While walkers and rollators may seem to be similar at first glance, there are some ...

Best Door Locks for Seniors [Reviews & Tips to Improve Safety]
Seniors need special care and attention when it comes to safety. Most standard door locks and security solutions out there are simply not optimal for them. However, securing their home is extremely important as older people have a higher risk of becoming victims of a robbery than other citizens. Choosing the right locking system is ...

7 Best Pill Organizers and Medication Reminders for Seniors
Most seniors have to take more than one medicine every day. Chances are good that some of those drugs are essential for their health and missing a day or two can potentially have serious consequences. Seniors, especially those with cognitive impairment often forget to take drugs. Usually, they skip a few pills, though overdose cases ...

Fall Prevention in the Elderly at Home: 14 Simple and Effective Tips
In this post, I’ll show you the most effective measures you can take to prevent seniors from falling at home. Falls are not uncommon among seniors and fall-related accidents often have serious consequences. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), each year at least 285,000 older adults are admitted to hospitals for ...

How to Make Bedroom Safe for Seniors – All You Need to Know
Most people will agree that bathrooms and kitchens are more dangerous places for the elderly than bedrooms. And while most home accidents indeed happen in those places, seniors usually spend much more time in their bedrooms. And believe me, a non-senior-friendly bedroom holds many hazards for the elderly. Some of them are really hard to ...

14 Potentially Life-Saving Fire Safety Tips for Seniors
According to the National Fire Protection Association adults older than 65 years have a doubled risk of fire-related injury or death compared to the average population. Sometimes inevitable accidents happen, but many home fires can be prevented by taking some basic safety measures. The most common causes of fires are breaking cooking safety rules, faulty ...

The Complete Guide to Find the Best TV for Seniors
Many elderly people love spending a part of their day watching their favorite TV shows or series. However, many of them can’t really enjoy watching TV for various reasons. I know from experience that finding the best TV for seniors is not always an easy task, but it’s definitely worth the effort. If you’re in ...

Best Narrow Walkers for Seniors [Safest Models In 2023]
Sometimes you need a narrow or an ultra narrow walker to move around comfortably in public places or at home. Normal size walkers are often too wide to comfortably pass through the doorway and they make it hard to maneuver in small spaces. There are stores and restaurants where it’s difficult to move around with a ...

How Far Can a Mobility Scooter Go? [Best Models + Quick Tips]
Many seniors and younger people with disabilities choose mobility scooters to maintain their independence. Certain health conditions can significantly limit the ability to move around freely. In these situations, a mobility scooter can greatly improve the quality of life. Before purchasing, questions about single-charge distance and speed often arise. So how far can a mobility ...