Home Improvement

A doorbell on a jamb

Can a Doorbell Ring By Itself? [Causes & Solutions]

The doorbell rings, and you open the door just to realize that no one is there. Sounds familiar? You are not alone. I’ve met so many people recently who had a very similar problem: their doorbell started ringing in the middle of the night or randomly, apparently for no reason. Most people think of technical ...
A sump pump in a pit

11 Common Causes of Sump Pump Failure & Troubleshooting

Sump pumps provide an effective way to drain water from your house. They quickly eliminate excess water and prevent your basement from flooding that might occur after heavy rains, rapid melting of snow, or because of groundwater. Sump pump failure is a pretty common issue, especially if maintenance is neglected. I know from experience. There ...
A flooded house

3 Highly Effective Ways to Seal Your Doors from Flooding

Natural disasters are getting more and more common in most parts of the world. Unfortunately, they’re inevitable: you can’t stop hurricanes or change the direction of tornadoes (yet). However, often you can prepare for these adverse events and protect your home from being damaged. Floods are a common problem that can cause substantial damage to ...
Tile floor with white and blue tiles

5 Powerful Ways to Make Tile Floor Non-Slip

If you have tile floors in your home, you probably already know both their advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, they retain water much better than other floorings. On the other hand, tile floors can be extremely slippery, especially when wet. This can lead to all kinds of injuries, even serious ones (I know from ...
Best pool chlorine alternatives

The 6 Best Pool Chlorine Alternatives [Pros and Cons]

Pools attract all kinds of pathogens and while most of them are harmless to humans, some are potentially hazardous and can cause really serious health issues. Chlorine is a very popular and inexpensive chemical used all over the world to kill germs in pools. Its popularity is not surprising: it really does a great job. ...