Home Improvement

A kitchen with an inox refrigerator

What Size Refrigerator Do I Need? A Visual Guide (with Charts & Calculators)

Choosing the right size refrigerator is key because you’re likely to use it on a daily basis for a long period of time. Unfortunately, picking the wrong size refrigerator is not uncommon at all and you can’t really do much about it once you have it in your kitchen. This is why it’s so important ...
A dog sitting in front of a front door

7 Simple Ways to Protect a Door From Dog Scratches

While dogs are great companions, sometimes they do things that can be annoying from a human perspective. One of those things is scratching the door. I know from experience how frustrating it is to find claw marks on a recently painted door. I’ve been there (too) many times. In this article, I’ve collected the best ...
Condos viewed from the street

Duplex vs. Condo: Differences, Pros & Cons

There are many situations when you need to know exactly how a duplex and a condo differ from each other, and what are the benefits and drawbacks of each type of dwelling. When you’re comparing a duplex and a condo, the major differences may seem obvious to most people, however, many of them still won’t ...
A photo of a cellar and a basement next to each other 

Cellar vs. Basement: A Comparison Guide

I’ve received so many questions about the differences between cellars and basements recently that I’ve decided to dedicate a whole article to this topic. While a cellar might be very similar to a basement on the surface, there are some important differences. To be honest, the definition of these terms is not uniform throughout the ...
Two garages attached to a house

7 Popular Types of Garage Doors (Pros and Cons with Photos)

There are many types of garage doors available on the market and often it’s not easy to find the one that meets all your needs. Most homeowners end up opting for an overhead garage door, however, there are other options as well. In this illustrated guide, I’ll show you all relevant types of garage doors ...
A HVAC system

Top 6 Ways to Really Maximize HVAC System Lifespan [+Expert Tips]

It can safely be said that your HVAC system is one of the most important aspects of your home. It basically runs year-round, give or take a little bit, providing heating and cooling to keep your home as comfortable as possible even when the temperatures are at their most extreme. But your HVAC has a ...
A staircase next to a white wall

Best Ladders for Stairs: The Ultimate List

If you have to work on the stairs, you really need a reliable and safe ladder. If you use the wrong type of ladder, chances are good that you’ll end up on the floor. Therefore, if you want to avoid falls and accidents, it’s extremely important to make sure you use a ladder that’s intended ...
A metal stepladder next to a green wall

Best Ladders for Painting In 2024 [Interior, Exterior & Stairs]

Whether you own a house or a condo, you will have to spend some time painting sooner or later. It is one of those jobs you need to do from time to time to make your home healthier and look better. As for me, I am a big fan of DIY, so when the time ...
A doorbell with blue background

9 Best Doorbells for the Hearing Impaired [Tried & Tested]

Hearing impairment is a common condition worldwide. In the US, more than 37 million adults have a hearing loss of some degree (1). Most people experience mild to moderate symptoms, however, a minority suffers from a profound hearing loss that includes deafness. This condition affects many areas of life and requires special attention regarding any ...
A doorbell on a jamb

Can a Doorbell Ring By Itself? [Causes & Solutions]

The doorbell rings, and you open the door just to realize that no one is there. Sounds familiar? You are not alone. I’ve met so many people recently who had a very similar problem: their doorbell started ringing in the middle of the night or randomly, apparently for no reason. Most people think of technical ...